Two-Minute Homily by Fr Anthony Mellor for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024. “The way Jesus tells it, faith is about openness to growth, openness to the unexpected, openness to a harvest that is not our work but about what God desires for…
Two-Minute Homily by Dcn Peter Pellicaan for the Fifth Sunday of Lent 2024. "Today we're invited to examine what we love. Do we love...
Let's Pray with Fr Michael My Van Tran the Prayer of the Vietnamese Martyrs (KINH CÁC THÁNH TỬ ĐẠO VIỆT NAM). This prayer is...
Two-Minute Homily by Fr John Echewodo for the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time 2021. "There is a purpose to every human life… the God...