Blessing Our Missionaries

October 16, 2024 00:01:38
Blessing Our Missionaries
Archdiocese of Brisbane
Blessing Our Missionaries

Oct 16 2024 | 00:01:38


Show Notes

Let’s take a moment to pray for all the brave missionaries who have left their homes to share the Good News in far-off places. One such missionary is Cardinal Giorgio Marengo, who was raised in Italy and, shortly after his ordination, journeyed to Mongolia to help establish the first Catholic presence there.


I remember a few years ago, one of our catechists said that when the Church decided to send missionaries to Mongolia, the Holy Father didn’t send boxes of books, but he decided to send people, men and women. That would be the embodiment of Christ for them. So we are going now to pray for all the missionaries that all together, especially those who will receive the special call to go abroad to go outside of their own countries. We pray for all of them, that we all together, we may be always united with the Lord. And through our poor witness, people may find Christ.


Төгс хүчит эцэг минь, бид өнөөдөр бүх шашин дэлгэрүүлэгчдийн төлөө залбирч байна. Та тэднийг өөрийн ариун сүнсээр дүүргэж өгнө үү. Тэд хэзээ ч таныг хэзээ ч орхихгүйгээр үргэлж тантай хамт байж, таны хайр ивээлийг, таны уучлал өршөөлийг таны хязгааргүй хишиг ивээлийг бусад хүмүүст түгээхийг хүсч байна. Та тэднийг бусдад түгээж өгнө үү хэмээн залбиран гуйж байна


Almighty Father, we are praying for all the missionaries today. Please fill them with your Holy Spirit. I pray that they will always be with You without ever leaving You, Your love, Your forgiveness, Your mercy, Your unlimited bounty, and You will spread them to others.

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Episode Transcript

0:00 I remember a few years ago, 0:02 one of our catechists 0:04 said that when the Church decided 0:06 to send missionaries to Mongolia, 0:10 the Holy Father didn't send boxes of books, 0:13 but he decided to send people, 0:16 men and women. 0:17 That would be 0:19 the embodiment of Christ for them. 0:23 So we are going now to pray 0:25 for all the missionaries 0:27 that all together, 0:28 especially those who will receive the special call 0:31 to go abroad 0:33 to go outside of their own countries. 0:37 We pray for all of them, that we all together, 0:40 we may be always united with the Lord. 0:44 And through our poor witness, 0:47 people may find Christ. 0:54 Төгс хүчит эцэг минь, 0:56 бид өнөөдөр 0:57 бүх шашин дэлгэрүүлэгчдийн төлөө залбирч байна. 1:01 Та тэднийг өөрийн ариун сүнсээр дүүргэж өгнө үү. 1:06 Тэд хэзээ ч таныг хэзээ ч орхихгүйгээр 1:09 үргэлж тантай хамт 1:11 байж, таны хайр ивээлийг, 1:12 таны уучлал өршөөлийг 1:14 таны хязгааргүй хишиг ивээлийг 1:19 бусад хүмүүст түгээхийг хүсч байна. 1:23 Та тэднийг бусдад түгээж өгнө үү хэмээн залбиран гуйж байна English Prayer Translation: Almighty Father, we are praying for all the missionaries today. Please fill them with your Holy Spirit. I pray that they will always be with You without ever leaving You, Your love, Your forgiveness, Your mercy, Your unlimited bounty, and You will spread them to others.

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