Latest Episodes
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Two-Minute Homily: Fr Chukwudi Chinaka
Two-Minute Homily by Fr Chukwudi Chinaka for the Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time 2021. "Do we ever stop to talk and listen to God...
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Two-Minute Homily: Fr Adrian Sharp
Two-Minute Homily by Fr Adrian Sharp for the Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time 2021. "It's not enough to simply know something about the Lord....
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Two-Minute Homily: Dcn Mike Jones
Two-Minute Homily by Dcn Mike Jones for the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time 2021. "When Jesus calls you, what will you do? How will...
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Two-Minute Homily: Fr John Echewodo
Two-Minute Homily by Fr John Echewodo for the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time 2021. "There is a purpose to every human life… the God...
Baptism of the Lord – Two-Minute Homily: Dcn Gary Stone
Two-Minute Homily by Dcn Gary Stone for the Baptism of the Lord 2021. "You are my son, my daughter, my favour will rest on...
Feast of the Epiphany – Two-Minute Homily: Fr John Conway
Two-Minute Homily by Fr John Conway for the Feast of the Epiphany 2021. "Time and again throughout our lives the Epiphany of God continues...