April 9 edition of the Look to Jesus podcast – The Gift of Freedom. Look to Jesus is the 2021 Lenten resource published by the Archdiocese of Brisbane to inspire Catholics to grow deeper in their faith during the Lenten season. It contains 52 daily reflections…
Two-Minute Homily by Dcn Chad Hargrave for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024. "The radical love and mercy of God will cross any...
Let's Pray with St Stephen’s Cathedral Schola, directed by Christopher Trikilis A Joyful Psalm (O Sing Joyfully – Adrian Batten (1591-1637) - Psalm 81)
Two-Minute Homily by Fr Thomas Ismoyo for the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity 2021. "God accompanies our journey through the presence of His...