Two-Minute Homily by Dcn Peter Pellicaan for the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022. "Let's invite God to remove the planks out of our own eyes so that we can radiate as Catholics the faith, hope and love that our Lord brings to our lives." The post…
Stay tuned for Archbishop Mark Coleridge's latest podcast - The Navel of the Earth: Jerusalem in time, theology and imagination. Jerusalem, with its rises...
Two-Minute Homily by Fr Saji George for the Fourth Sunday of Lent 2023. "In this Lenten season, let us learn more about Jesus and...
Let's Pray with St Stephen’s Cathedral Schola, directed by Christopher Trikilis A Joyful Psalm (O Sing Joyfully – Adrian Batten (1591-1637) - Psalm 81)